Weather and the Lawn
Updated every 30 minutes: 14 Mar 2025 11:24 PM Central
Watering Guidelines
In the heat of the summer, southern lawns need around one inch of water per week. When the red Evapotranspiration line climbs above the blue rain total, it's time to water. Leaf wetness displays moisture levels on leaves and shows the first signs of rain, with a range from 0 being dry and 15 being completely wet.Last rain date of more than 0.02 inches:
9 Mar 2025 (0.06 in)

Soil Moisture Guidelines
0-10 Centibars: Saturated soil
11-30 Centibars: Wet soil (except sandy soil, which is starting to dry out)
31-60 Centibars: Time to water (for most soil)
61-100 Centibars: Time to water (for heavy clay soil)
101-200 Centibars: Very dry soil
Soil Probes are temporarily removed.

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