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About the Station

The Kesh Farm weather station is a Wireless Davis Vantage Pro 2 Plus with a 24-hour Fan Aspirated Radiation Shield (FARS), model 6163. It comes with a suite of sensors to measure wind speed, rainfall, temperature, humidity, solar radiation, and UV radiation. From these sensors, it can then also compute heat index, wind chill, dew point, and evapotranspiration. The station also has a leaf and soil sensor unit, which measures soil temperatures, soil moisture levels, and leaf wetness values from sources like dew and the early stages of rainfall. The station is solar and battery powered and runs 24/7 year round.

The soil temperature and moisture probes are not currently installed. When we moved to the farm, I left the old sensors back in our Dallas lawn, so I need to get new ones for the farm.

Data from the station is transmitted every 2.5 seconds to the indoor console, that displays the information graphically. The console has a data logger that connects via USB to a Meteobridge. The Meteobridge is what sends the data out to the internet (Wunderground, NWS, etc) and to our Mac Mini. The computer runs the latest version of Trixology's WeatherCat software, which produces this website, and stores the data in a database for record keeping and producing graphs.

About Me

Toby & GusMy name is Toby. I'm a husband, a father of four daughters, an airline pilot, and have a lot of varied interests in geeky things. I really enjoy photography and lawn care. Part of the reason for getting the Davis weather station was to more accurately take care of my lawn's watering needs when we lived in Texas. Even when I was away on a trip, I could remotely monitor the rain totals, the E/T, the soil moisture, and then control the Rachio sprinkler system, all via my iPhone. I have a whole page on this website dedicated to the lawn because getting it right while saving on water is important. If you'd like to learn more about lawn care, TheLawnForum is a friendly online community of lawn enthusiasts.

Because I'm a pilot, I take an obvious interest in weather. I think it is fascinating and really enjoy being able to monitor a part of it via the Davis station. It's fun to be able to upload live data, not only to this site, but to many places across the internet, like Wunderground, and see our farm's weather live online.

Thinking of buying a PWS?

You can read about my experience buying and setting up my Davis station here. Thank you so much for stopping by. Please use the comment form if you have any tips, suggestions, or general comments about this site or weather topics in general.

~ Toby             

Station Details

Station latitude: 35° 8' 1"N
Station longitude: 89° 29' 15"W
Station altitude in feet: 376
Latest update: 15 Mar 2025 11:16 PM
WeatherCat build: V3.31, Build 8 (64 bit/Universal)
Uptime in Days:Hours:Minutes: 1:06:22
Station Data Quality: Meso West Ratings | Madis Ratings

The Kesh Farm Weather Station sends live weather updates to these organizations:


Station Location

The Kesh Farm is our 50 acre family farm near Williston, Tennessee.

Map Location

Station on a 6x6 post

Random Weather Fact:

The most rain to fall in a single 24 hour period is 74 inches at Cilaos (on the Indian Ocean island of Reunion) between 15 and 16 March 1952.